Samsung Galaxy S24 series phones won't go bad in 7 years, find out why


Samsung Galaxy S24 series phones won't go bad in 7 years, find out why 

Samsung has confirmed that the smartphone will be updated for a long time. As a result, company phone users can use the device safely. Nowadays, the lifespan of smartphones is constantly decreasing. It is generally seen that a smartphone provides good service for 2 to 3 years.

 However, most phone companies offer 4 years of security and software updates from last year, so smartphones will provide excellent service for a long time.

 Why security and OS updates are important:-

Phones become more secure with security and new OS updates. Smartphones are intertwined with our lives. From payments to storing important information, everything is done through this gadget. So keeping it safe is very important. And this is what the new update does.

 Samsung Galaxy S24 series will get updates for 7 years:-

 Samsung recently announced that its upcoming Galaxy S24 series will be available for 7 years of updates. Earlier, Google promised 7 years of software updates on Pixel smartphones. Note that the Samsung Galaxy S24 series will be launched globally on January 17.

 Let it be known that Samsung has been providing four years of OS updates and five years of security updates to its mid-range smartphones since 2020, which has now been extended to seven years.

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